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and she will be your guide


Guided Meditation

Here's my free gift to you! A powerful guided meditation to activate your feminine frequencies and align you with your highest purpose.

Download now to get started on your way.

Thanks You For Signing Up!

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Invest in your Personal Power

Do you want to create specific changes in your life but are not sure how?
Or you've tried, but quickly fallen back into unhealthy habits, behaviors, and life situations?
 In order to reconnect and direct our focus to align with true success in all areas of our lives, curated programs are guaranteed to kick start your divine journey.
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Through a specific process of reconnecting with our feminine frequencies, clearly defining the root cause of our challenges, aligning with our deepest desires, and committing to the daily work then anything is POSSIBLE.

Investing in your own development and self-improvement is the biggest form of SELF-LOVE - inner fulfillment and satisfaction can only come once we choose to heal, accept and love ourselves for who we really are.

As we step into our POWER, and connect with our FEMININE FREQUENCIES, we can RISE into co-creating into the life of our dreams. This is our birthright.


What is the process? 

All of our programs work through the 7 pillars SAKTII RISING Framework:

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What can we work on?

Here are some examples:

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You’re feeling lack of direction in your life


You have specific women’s health concerns


You have challenges in inviting authentic love into your life


You want to take your business or career to the next level


You want financial independence but feel stuck or limited


You’re a mother who feels overwhelmed with responsibilities


You want to establish a healthy self care routine


You’ve recently had a breakup or divorce


You have a strong desire to connect with your feminine energy


You have trouble with weight gain and balanced eating habits

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How Can I Get Started?

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FEminine & Fabulous

'ALIGNING THE FEMININE' mentorship program


Ready to kick start your RISE into your feminine? 


The Feminine & Fabulous MasterClass is the perfect way to flow into the Feminine Energetics Pillars to understand how they can support you in the various aspects of your life. You will receive an energetic audit, experience embodiment techniques that we use as part of our Holistic Toolkit and connect with the members of the Saktii Rising Community.  Check the events page for dates and availability. 

Duration:  2 hours in person event and online available


Time to commit to your heart's desires & RISE up into your calling ?


This in-depth mentorship program is for women who are ready to fast-track their goals through 1-1 mentoring and guidance.  An 8 week program with over 40 hours of curated learning, access to a priceless holistic tool kit that you easily incorporate in all areas of your life and dedicated coaching on specific objectives and desires. This is a transformation journey - interview is required to be considered. 

Duration: 8 sessions with weekly follow up + exclusive access 


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"I cannot express how grateful I am for Mariam Yasin's support in overcoming my financial challenges. Her talent in empowering women to take control of their financial lives is unmatched. With her guidance, I gained the confidence and skills to overcome financial obstacles and create a secure future for myself. Mariam's expertise in this area truly changed my life."


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"Finding spiritual guidance can be challenging, but working with Mariam Yasin made it a seamless and transformative experience. Her talent in connecting women with their spiritual selves is unparalleled. Mariam's deep understanding and compassionate approach allowed me to explore my spirituality and find inner peace. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking spiritual growth and guidance."


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"Mariam Yasin's expertise in career development has been instrumental in helping me navigate my professional journey. Her valuable insights and practical advice helped me overcome obstacles, set clear goals, and achieve success in my chosen field. Mariam's unwavering support and belief in my abilities were truly empowering."


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Saktii Rising is a Women’s Wellness development platform serving women around the globe to rise into their true power through feminine energetics and holistic principles. 

Together, We Rise.

© Mariam Yasin, 2023.

Designed By The Babe Movement

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